If you like crime, mystery, and thriller books…

Solomon “Solo” Davis is a man of faith, but even for him not all things are believable. How quickly his life is turned upside when he comes face to face with one of his doubts. Can he believe in something that is so impossible? 

What if your dreams of last night…

“Top story tonight,” read the senior news anchor. Solo held his breath, waiting to hear about the kidnapping or the death of the older couple. He had already had two of his dreams strangely come true with frightening detail, and he couldn’t help but wonder if it was some cosmic coincidence; a million to one chance that all his dreams actually occurred. Could this really be happening? 

Became your reality for today?

“Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?” Solo prayed hoping the perfect answer would drop out of the sky at his feet. The thought sickened him that if his dream with the preschool students with their laughter and singing was real. Then the ruthless kidnappers and serial killers must be real. And the crying, terror stricken kidnapped girl must be real too.

How can you do nothing when you know something is going to happen?

Watch out Washington D.C. The Carbon Monoxide Killers are on the loose.
“Are you ready for this?” she asked her father who slowly nodded, taking in a deep breath.
“It’s now or never.”