A global spectacle of triumph and anguish. A grand pageant of violence and drama. In the future it is more than just a game, and a mysterious secret society will use it to change the world. America’s game has become the world’s favorite pastime, and she is not just the WFFL’s latest superstar but the future of humanity!
In a world secretly ruled by an organized crime pyramid with strange and mystical powers known as the Octagonal, and while a legend who harbors a dark secret strives for one last short at glory in the twilight of his career, crime lord Gigi Salerno is the sinister hand casting the ultimate fate of victory or defeat.
And, he will utilize any means necessary to ensure the Octagonal remains in control of the world’s most popular game!
But when a brilliant team doctor envisions future WFFL rosters filled out with AI, Salerno’s masters secretly decide he’s expendable.
Now threatened by the intrepid ambitions of a young sports columnist determined to expose the Octagonal, and faced with the covert maneuvering of a once trustworthy lieutenant and the conflicted loyalties of an unscrupulous general manager, Salerno is confronted with a dilemma: he may have to befriend one of his enemies to vanquish his double crossing masters.
Will he survive long enough to capture what he secretly desires most – the reluctant affections of a beautiful woman?